Monday, May 4, 2009

i have new neighbors

update: I am thinking maybe 10-12 people live in this tiny house...

they do not have a dryer!!! This was the view as Jamie and I sat on my back patio last week...this makes me gringe, especially when they have been there for 4 days, yes the same clothes. I know I could just as easily be without a dryer, but take it in when dry, and um hellooooo it is raining...


♥Joy♥ said...

hahaha. Stacia lives in Suburbia: Trailer Park Style!
I want to see obsessed, too! Although I hear Beyonce' is a terrible fighter & actress in it. Too bad..I use to like the her "Survivor" days. Now, she just makes me vomit a little. Yes, in my mouth. Gross.

Jax said...

FOUR DAYS?! Sheesh. Especially if it's raining! What the heck?!