Thursday, May 28, 2009

WBW~ Way Back Wednesday

a day late, I had the mother of all migraines yesterday...mucho better today!

Jacob and Deven summer 2004. We were staying at a condo in Hot Springs that had a golf course so they took advantage. They look so young to both be turning teenagers soon. Me, my younger sister, and my mother. I am guessing by her corsage thingie that this would be Mother's Day maybe 1977 or 1978. My sister and I always had matching dresses...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sunday the boys fished, it was very comical to say the least...

This is the catch of the day and one of several attempts to save him, this one by blowing in his

or you can put him under the gutter for water to run in his mouth...
And the grown ups sat here and got much relaxation...
of course with one of these :)

I have right at 200 pics that I like as much as I like this one.....can I post them all???
Jacob and I went to Heber Springs with Marsha, Joe and the kiddos. We had a blast!
We got a few short spirts of rain but when we did we just did this. Joe kept us very dry~

I love that waterfall you can see behind the girls~
Silly, silly~
Matt kneeboarding~
Jacob kneeboarding~
Jumping off the cliffs~
Sydney & Carson are both competition dancers and they put on a performance for us, and the rest of the lake. They got a standing ovation to say the least! My music is just for them today :)

Love this guy!

I have many more pics to come and can't wait to get the 700 Marsha took with her awesone camera!

chillin' with friends


If you were on my friends list and are not now please add me. Oddly enough I have had 3 people contact me to say that I am deleted from their page....question is how did this happen? And how can I remember who was there :(
I thought I have remembered to log out each time and Jacob swears he did not do it. Wierd!!!