Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Christmas visit with the Brock's

I popped in on the Brockinton's for a little Christmas visit~

I seem to post mostly pictures anymore as time has not allowed much time for me to write about every day life. I plan to in 2011 write more often because this blog is a place where I love to talk ;)
I will be filling in as the Mayor's scheduler for the next 2 months while my friend is on maternity leave so it may be more like March or I may even get so frustrated I have to vent here each day...lol
I am down 48 lbs now and I do feel like I am in a rut so it's hard core workouts and on plan food as soon as I can get well. This nasty cold has been around for 2 weeks and it can go away very very soon!!

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