It has been a long week, maybe the catching up from the birthday parties.
Jacob has his 1st school dance tonight, and I have been asked to help =). At first he was like um no, but then he loosened up and said "you will not bring that camera"
Maybe I can sneak it in.
Jacob also has his 1st Jr. High football game in the morning. Football this year is different, we have been used to Twister ball where there were A LOT less kids on the team and Jacob was very used to playing center position , he misses it. The change has been kind of hard. They have so many players and just one team....
We miss Twister ball! Go Cougars!!
Mere was totally getting on my nerves with her back and forth crap about moving in with Derek. If I was Christina, I would have slapped her, but she needs a good slapping too. I like Dr. Hunt too!
I am with you on Derek being dead. I kind of freaked seeing that too. I also thought the icicle was a bit much and Meredith was being annoying. Can you believe we have to wait 2 weeks for another episode. I hope the season is not like that.
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