Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back in the day...

I was scanning these pageants pics for another project and could not resist posting them. They make me laugh and also make me miss my Mother. Gonna give as much detail as I can remember...I am getting
The above pic was a newspaper shot.
Below I was being crowned Imperial Miss State. I won beauty and talent.
Far right is me
I then tapped..

Then I kicked off my shoes to do gymnastics and sing. I miss tap dancing. But am looking into some adult classes.
Like the go-go boots?? haha
This pageant was Imperial Miss Princess
Imperial Miss Princess won beauty and talent. Below is my dance costume. The below pic is my favorite...
These sponge rollers I slept in most of my childhood *sigh*
But they did do this to my hair, maybe I should try them
Newspaper Shot

I did not like this hat! I have many more but I will spare you!


The Brockintons said...

OMG you are precious. The pictures make me happy.


♥Joy♥ said...

omggggggggggggggg these r so freaking cuuuuuuuuute!!!

charlaine said...

these pictures explain ALOT.... :) You are a real princess too then, huh? Isn't it fabulous?

katandkarl said...

TOOOOOO cute. i love the boots.

Susan said...

Love the pic that's your favorite. You're rocking the attitude there!

Anonymous said...

I love all these pics! TOO CUTE!!

the day's said...

girl, this cracks me up! mainly becuase i was in the EXACT same pageant. what year are we talking?

Stacia said...

Bear with me as my memory is terrible. I want to say 1977 or 1978, yep I am old. I have a program at home and will look. These are from various pageants so give me some
And thanks for all the great comments.