Monday, August 3, 2009

It's Monday and I am back in the swing of things, or so far it We had a nice week off and did lots of sleeping in. This week is going to be busy. Jacob & I are working a National Night Out location tomorrow evening, we will have the real cast put on, and try to finish up some shopping for school. We had gotten a cool pair of cleats but it looks like he may not be wearing those for a bit.

We had some visitors and sleepovers while I was off.
Jamie & Kaden surprised us one day, he is wearing Jacob's helmet, a little big ya' think?

and Bailey came and spent a few days with us. We went to the movies and he joined us for some running around. And of course they insisted on some chinese food, they both love it!!

1 comment:

Jax said...

hahaha! He looks like an astronaut! LOL! :) Glad you had a relaxing week off.. well...minus an injury for Jacob that is.