Tuesday, February 3, 2009

~does it really take all morning for an appointment at ACH? Yes, yes, yes it does!!! Ugh and a resident that asked jacob about his headache 15 times, as my sister wanted to scream at him "it's a SINUS HEADACHE" but we both refrained from screaming at him...lol. He was new, way to new for me!

~car will not be ready until this weekend so I am a foot all week, if you are just waiting to give us a ride please call..ha!
car's ARE a necessity!!!! Thanks to each of you for the transport thus far.

~ACT test Saturday for Jacob

~The Bachelor, Molly has been my choice and she is still hanging on, I do wish she would take down the pony tail more often..ha
Naomi is Jacob's pick and Jillian we are waiting on her to go...

~Superbowl, pefect just perfect!

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